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    Electrical Engineering and Automation

    The major of Electrical Engineering and Automation at Guangxi University is a traditionally advantageous and distinctive program, tracing its origins back to the Department of Electrical Engineering at the former Guangxi University School of Engineering in 1938. Over more than eighty years of development, it has established a comprehensive talent cultivation system encompassing bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs. It boasts a first-level discipline doctoral program and a post-doctoral research station in electrical engineering, making it the only major in the southwestern provinces (Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou) with a first-level discipline doctoral program in electrical engineering. The Electrical Engineering and Automation major at Guangxi University was recognized as a national characteristic specialty in 2007, a pilot major for the Ministry of Education’s “Excellence Engineer Education and Training Program” in 2011, and a pilot major for comprehensive professional reform by the Ministry of Education in 2013. It is currently listed among the national first-class undergraduate programs.

    The program has a national-level teaching team for Electrical Engineering and Automation, and the Guangxi University Electrical Engineering and Automation Teaching and Research Office has been selected as one of the first batches of virtual teaching and research pilot projects by the Ministry of Education. It has established a national “Electrical Engineering Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center” and a provincial-level “Power Engineering Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center,” among other rich experimental teaching resources. It also hosts provincial-level research platforms such as the Guangxi Key Laboratory of Power System Optimization and Energy Saving Technology and the Guangxi Power Transmission and Distribution Network Lightning Protection Engineering Technology Research Center, providing a solid foundation for teaching and academic research innovation.

    The faculty structure is well-balanced, with 44 full-time teachers, including 10 professors, 20 associate professors, 14 assistant professors/lecturers, two national high-level talents, one national high-level young talent, one expert receiving special government allowances from the State Council, two IET Fellows, one CSEE Fellow, one national model teacher, two national Baosteel Excellent teachers, one World’s Top 2% Scientist, two Bagui Scholars, one Bagui Youth Scholar, two Bagui Top Young Talents, one winner of Guangxi Youth Science and Technology Outstanding Contribution Award, and one winner of Guangxi Youth Science and Technology Award. The faculty’s research directions mainly cover areas such as power system and power information technology; electric motors, power electronics and new energy generation; electrical equipment, high voltage and insulation technology; electrical theory and new technologies.

    The Electrical Engineering and Automation major at Guangxi University is committed to cultivating talents with the characteristics of the new era, namely high-quality talents with social responsibility, legal awareness, innovative spirit, practical ability, and an international perspective. Students trained in the program not only possess solid foundational theoretical knowledge in the field of electrical engineering but also have strong professional practical skills and innovative spirit. They can engage in scientific research, technology development, system planning and design, and integration, as well as production operation and maintenance in various fields such as power production, transmission, distribution, power marketing, and power utilization.Additionally, through continuous learning, it is possible to extend to other industries and become a cross-border talent.

    Students actively participate in various subject competitions and innovation and entrepreneurship projects, winning over 60 national awards and more than 100 other awards in recent years, demonstrating the program’s outstanding training effectiveness. As an employment advantage major at Guangxi University, the employment rate of graduates from the Electrical Engineering and Automation major has been above 92% in the past three years. Most graduates work in the power and related industries. Increasingly, electrical engineering students have grown into pillars of the nation’s electrification and automation industries, becoming the backbone of Guangxi’s economic construction.

    Contact Us

    Address: No.100,East Daxue Road,Xixiangtang District,Nanning, Guangxi,China

    Postal Code: 530004

    Tel: School of Electrical Engineering,Guangxi University,3232264