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    Wu-Hua Chen

    Wu-Hua Chen is a Professor and doctoral supervisor in the School of Electrical Engineering at Guangxi University. Currently, heserves as a member inthe Stochastic Systems Theory and Control committee of theChinese Association of Automation (TCCT),andan executive director of Guangxi Automation Society.Hehas been awarded theFirstPrize of Natural Science of the Ministry of Education “Stability and Control of Impulsive Dynamic Systems” in 2005,the ThirdPrize of Guangxi Natural Science in 2012, and thePrize of9th Guangxi Youth Science and Technology Award in 2014. He is a prominent contributor to the 90th anniversary of Guangxi University and is listed in the first and second “Top Ten Tutors” of Guangxi University in 2015 and 2016, respectively. His research focuses on impulsive control theory, sliding mode control, and robust control of time-delay systems. He hasled over 5 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 subproject ofkeyproject of National Natural Science Foundation, and 2key projects of Guangxi Natural Science Foundation. Moreover, as a highly cited researcher in China according to Elsevier (Control and Systems Engineering,since 2014) and top 2% of the world’s top scientists, he has published more than 110 SCI-indexed papers in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis and other authoritative journals at home and abroad, and hasover 4,400citations on Google Scholar.

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    Postal Code: 530004

    Tel: School of Electrical Engineering,Guangxi University,3232264