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    Professor THOMAS XINZHANG WU, a national high-level talent, is the Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering and the Dean of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute at Guangxi University. He holds the title of Junwu Scholar Distinguished Professor and serves as a doctoral supervisor. Prof. Wu obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, and completed his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Electronic Engineering and Information Science at the University of Science and Technology of China. Prof. Wu has held such leadership position as Vice Chairman of IEEE PES Motor Subcommittee, vice chairman of Guangxi Artificial Intelligence Society, former Dean of the School of Computer, Electronics and Information at Guangxi University, deputy editor of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications, as well as multiple leadership roles in international top conferences. With extensive experience of leading or participating in over 50 scientific research projects, Prof. Wu has authored more than 400 academic papers and been granted over 30 patents. He has successfully supervised 23 doctoral students to completion, developed more than 10 undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and received numerous awards for both research contributions and teaching excellence.

    Professor Wu has achieved outstanding results in the fields of smart energy, intelligent manufacturing, and intelligent control. In particular, his research achievements in the design of large-power high-speed motors with intelligent optimization, the prediction and system optimization of smart new energy sources, and the intelligent optimization strategies of electric actuation systems for multi-electric aircraft have reached the international leading level, achieving significant breakthroughs. His major representative achievements are as follows: (1) He proposed the integrated design method for large-power, high-speed, high-power-density motor systems under multi-field coupling in the international community, and designed and manufactured the world’s highest-speed aviation generator with megawatt-level power during his work in the United States. Since returning to work in China three years ago, with the support of Guangxi Science and Technology Major Program and Zhejiang Chaojing Motor Co., Ltd., he proposed a high-performance motor system integration optimization design method and successfully developed a 2-kilowatt, 200,000 rpm high-speed permanent magnet motor, which is utilized for high-speed motorized spindle applications, effectively addressing the issue of “stuck neck” in industrial machinery. The team has published more than 10 high-level SCI papers in this field in the past three years and has obtained 8 patents. (2) He conducted systematic research on key technologies for optimizing and safely operating intelligent energy networks at an international level. While employed in the United States, he successfully addressed the challenge of ensuring the safe and stable operation of all-electric aircraft power systems under highly dynamic load conditions. With the support of Guangxi Key R&D Program, Prof. Wu led his team members to conduct systematic research and achieved the first simultaneous realization of short-term solar hybrid forecasting and high-quality electricity identification for distribution systems, which increased the calculation rate of complex intelligent energy networks by 98.27%, providing important theoretical support for solving the problem of safe operation of large-scale distributed energy networks. The team has published more than 10 high-level SCI papers in this field in the past three years.

    Professor Wu, while serving as the Dean of the School of Computer, Electronics and Information at Guangxi University, introduced a total of 16 outstanding young doctoral graduates to the faculty of the school, resulting in a steady increase in the ESI subject potential value of the discipline of computer science. In November 2023, the ESI subject potential value of the discipline of computer science reached 0.91, an increase of approximately 59.65% from May 2021 (0.57). After serving as the Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering at Guangxi University, he nurtured young and middle-aged teachers to become national talents, including 1 national high-level talent and 1 national high-level young talent. He also established a research team consisting of 15 young and middle-aged teachers, with one of the team members being awarded the title of Top Young Talent in Guangxi, one teacher being sponsored by the Guangxi Outstanding Youth Fund, and 4 young teachers being promoted to associate professors.

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